Grant and I were friends during high school and college, but after 1975 we lost touch with each other until about 2010 or thereabouts. It was wonderful to reconnect. He was suffering from a slow-moving, but very determined, cancer when we reconnected, and underwent various treatments all over the country and, if I remember correctly, in Europe as well. He bore his affliction with a grace I found astonishing. He was fiercely liberal in his politics, and hated what has happened to the United States. He died too young, and I will miss him.
I moved to NY the week after graduation and have lost track of all my WJ classmates. As I've been contemplating whether to attend our 50th Reunion, I've been thinking about who I'd really like to see again. Grant was high on that list. I am sad that I will not have that opportunity to reconnect. We had a great time playing string bass side by side in orchestra. He was smart and funny and above all kind. For some reason, I still remember his campaign slogan for class office: Grant Perry the Treasury. Rest In Peace friend. I hope your life was happy and fulfilling.
Joel Parkes
Grant and I were friends during high school and college, but after 1975 we lost touch with each other until about 2010 or thereabouts. It was wonderful to reconnect. He was suffering from a slow-moving, but very determined, cancer when we reconnected, and underwent various treatments all over the country and, if I remember correctly, in Europe as well. He bore his affliction with a grace I found astonishing. He was fiercely liberal in his politics, and hated what has happened to the United States. He died too young, and I will miss him.
Susan Cramer (Heiss)
I moved to NY the week after graduation and have lost track of all my WJ classmates. As I've been contemplating whether to attend our 50th Reunion, I've been thinking about who I'd really like to see again. Grant was high on that list. I am sad that I will not have that opportunity to reconnect. We had a great time playing string bass side by side in orchestra. He was smart and funny and above all kind. For some reason, I still remember his campaign slogan for class office: Grant Perry the Treasury. Rest In Peace friend. I hope your life was happy and fulfilling.