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WJ 55th Reunion Weekend 

October 10, 11 & 12, 2025

Due to the success of our 50+ Reunion in 2022, we're excited to get together again for a Party on 

Saturday, October 11th !

If you think you'd like to attend, add your name below and be sure to select "Save my survey" so we can be sure to make space for you.
 Click on "View survey results" to see who else is joining the party.

Check this homepage for more information about activities before and after the Party as they are added. 

You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   Who is interested in celebrating our 55th casual Class Reunion Saturday, October 11th, 2025?

Linda Haan +1
2)   Who needs a hotel reservation for that weekend?

Linda Haan: Fri, Sat, Sun


Your donations enable us to make our reunions special and help to offset costs such as our website. (You must be logged in to donate).


Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 36.8%

A:   229   Joined
B:   393   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)